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Unlocking Calm: Harnessing Yoga's Potential in Epilepsy Management, NYC | Integrative Psych

In this context, the holistic approach of yoga offers multifaceted benefits that address both the physiological and psychological aspects of epilepsy.

Holistic Therapy NYC | Integrative Psych | Integrative Psych

Holistic Therapy NYC. What is Holistic Therapy? Holistic Therapy is an approach or philosophy within therapy that addresses the entirety of you as a person.

Holistic Therapy NYC

Holistic Therapy NYC. Holistic Therapy is an approach or philosophy within therapy that addresses the entirety of you as a person.

Light Therapy NYC

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy could complement light therapy by enhancing mood regulation and addressing the underlying emotional disorders such as major depression or bipolar depression, offering a holistic approach to treatment.

The Power of Hot Yoga: A Path to Mental Wellness NYC | Integrative Psych

Beyond the Mat: Holistic Wellness. Navigating the Journey: A Holistic Approach. Harnessing the Power of Presence. The Therapeutic Fusion of Body and Mind.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy New York | Integrative Psych

We offer a unique approach to mental wellness through Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy. Under the expert care of Dr. Ryan Sultan, our treatment is tailored to individual mental health conditions, ensuring a deeply personal healing experience.

Top Therapists in NYC | ADHD, Anxiety & Depression Treatment | Integrative Psych Specialists | Integrative Psych

From ADHD and depression co-management to standalone anxiety therapies, our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your mental well-being is addressed.

About Us - Integrative Psych

Holistic Approach. “Three-quarter of Americans report their mental health to be meaningfully affected by the life stresses of modern life”. Conventional psychotherapy, medications and mental health treatment doesn’t work for everyone.

Depression and Eating Processed Foods: A Complex Connection, NYC | Integrative Psych

Therapy can complement medical treatments when necessary, ensuring a. holistic approach to mental health.

Karmic Relationships: Exploring the Mystical Connections, NYC | Integrative Psych

In mental health and wellness, balancing Spirituality with evidence-based approaches is essential. Acknowledging the importance of personal views while emphasizing the value of evidence-based practices ensures a comprehensive approach to well-being.